Choose Your Weapon!

Rod type varies by stiffness, strength, sensitivity, length and other differences. The important thing to determine your choice is the species being targeted. Most rods can be used for multiple types of fish but there are certain species you want a specific type of rod for. One example is for sheephead, you will want a highly sensitive rod for the light bite of these picky eaters. While redfish are harder hitters and sensitivity is not as important. Yes you do catch both species in the same areas at times and this may play a role in your choice of strength of rods. The combination of strength and sensitivity is always a tough decision for anglers. I personally carry a selection and adjust to the conditions, but you can get some good combination rods in your local bait and tackle store. They will likely be able to help you pick the best selection for your level of experience. Let them know your target and typically they can point you in the right direction.

Another consideration is the type of reel to use and this will determine the rod you want. Spinning reels are easier for novice anglers as they are easier to cast. Bait casting reels require some practice and even heavily experienced anglers still have issues from time to time. Size and strength of reel and rod should be determined by the type of fish you intend to target. Of coarse bigger fish require bigger reels and rods, but the art of light tackle is a big draw for many anglers, due to the fight and feel of the fish. A good all around rod and reel can be found with some research and shopping around, but you may need to upgrade for specific species as you get more experience and knowledge about your area and targets.

Next you should consider line for your rod and reel. Again this can vary by your level of expertise. I recommend monofilament for beginners as this is more forgiving and is often less expensive. Mono, (as it is called) has some stretch to it and comes in a variety of strengths and colors. A stronger hook set is required, but this is usually not a problem for novice anglers, as they are easy to excite about a bite. Strength of line is determined by species and type of reel you have. Spinning reels tend to have larger capacity fgor line and this may help in choosing the size and amount of line to purchse. Most reels come with some list of capacity for multiple strengths of line. Braided line makes the capacity of line larger as strength and diameter change. Some people love braided line, but I still like mono due to the stretch and forgiveness. Braided line is also less desirable for spinning reels as these reels can cause twist in the line which make it more complex to use.

For your best choice I recommend contacting your local bait and tackle store for some hands on help. Rods and reels come in a multitude of sizes, actions and prices, so a little help is very desirable. Check these deals.