Fishing Attire

When choosing attire many factors play important roles. The first and most important would be weather. If the weather is hot (Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas), breathability and sun protection are paramount in choosing attire. Many companies offer quality products in this category, so some shopping around may help determine the best choice for you. You also need to consider the chance of rain in these areas as the best forecaster will tell you there is always a chance of rain in these areas. Rain gear is optional depending upon the drying capability of your primary clothing, therefor this may be a consideration when shopping.

Of coarse you have to protect your skin, and SPF clothing as well as sun block lotion has to be utilized for this consideration. Check these examples.

Cold weather can provide some of the best fishing opportunities in many areas and is always a consideration in the northern areas. It is important to layer as temperatures vary throughout the day. You also need to consider flexibility and comfort as fishing can get tedious at times and the ability to accomplish small details could mean the difference between fish and no fish. The use of SPF clothing is not as big a consideration, however, a SPF base layer should always play a role in you’re choice due to varying temperatures could lead to removing all other layers of clothing. Sun block lotion is always recommended as open skin can burn even in cold weather.

Head, neck and face protection are very important in any weather scenario, so consider the hat, mask and gaiters for these areas. A wide brim hat may not be the fashion statement you want but consider the look of having sun burnt ears at work and the trade off is worth it. The brim of the hat also is useful in preventing glare on your glasses so you can see the water more clearly. A mask may be helpful especially in cold weather for heat conservation and wind protection as well, Some use the gaiter to protect the neck and face but be careful when pulling these up over your face as this can expose the back of your neck.

Just remember the sun is always stronger on or at the water since you get double dose from reflecting rays. A plan needs to include the weather for comfort and safety. 4 zones of concern; hands, feet, head and core. Trying to help keep the oncologist away!

Be safe and good fishing to all!!

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